July 31, 2009

Veggies Week #9

Finally all caught up!

This week's farm delivery had a pleasant surprise - fresh flowers! A colorful little splash of summer! I like the variety; arrangements with all the same flowers can be a bit dull sometimes.

Lettuce has taken a hiatus until fall. Now we have green onions in the back, along with squash and cucumbers.

Some beautiful red onions, garlic bulb, tomatoes, and parsley.

The garlic has been excellent. These fresh ones have a stronger flavor than store-bought, with just the right hint of sweet, and a velvety texture. It's been a joy adding them to burgers, pasta sauces, and mashed potatoes.

Speaking of potatoes, we also got more of those, ripe for mashing!

At some point, we also want to try our hand at potato salad. We'll probably wait until another batch of the reddish ones.

July 25, 2009

Veggies Week #8

It was very colorful this week!

Tomatoes are in! There's also red leaf lettuce in the back, yellow squash, and a really cool round squash.

Big bag of fresh basil, plus cucumbers and scallions:

Lots of potatoes, a huge cabbage, and fresh garlic.

The basil, tomatoes, and garlic, along with last week's parsley and onions, went into a pretty awesome sauce. Potatoes were roasted with thyme, basil, and savory herbs, and a drizzle of olive oil. Yum!

July 23, 2009

Comics Themes!

OMG, it's Fables on my browser!

The Jim Lee logo promo for this is pretty snazzy too. Just in time for San Diego Comic-Con. Nice one, Google!

Veggies Week #7

Almost caught up!

Two heads of lettuce in the back there, along with onions and beets.

A lovely selection of squash and two large cucumbers (men, start feeling inadequate....oh, about now!)

Dandelion greens, fresh parsley, and kale.

Like the rest of the herbs we've been getting, the parsley will be dried for future use.

The dandelion greens are way bitter, though! So far, I've only used them sparingly in salad. Not sure what else can be done with them, the bitterness is far stronger than collards or kale, so I don't think they're even suitable for pesto. Maybe in a soup later?

Potatoes! Boil them, mash them, stick 'em in a stew...

July 22, 2009

Coffee Conundrum

Coffee from a french press is awesome.

But they need to design a better way to clean those things. Scraping out handfuls of moist grounds from the bottom of the glass is just not fun, nor is watching swirls of them chase each other down the sink.

July 20, 2009

Veggies Week #6

I'm playing catch-up on the veggie tracking. Weddings and work keep getting in the way! But there was definitely some cool stuff this particular week.

More zucchini! The little red bulbs are salad onions (which were excellent raw), and fresh garlic in the front.

Giant fennel bulb! I'm not a huge fan of fennel. I've tried it raw in salad, sauteed with olive oil, and the flavor just doesn't agree with me. We did make a potato gratin last Thanksgiving with fennel, but it was more of an enhancement ingredient. I think we'll stick to using it that way. And of course, more lettuce there as well!

Kale and another radicchio, this one not quite as scary as last week's!

July 17, 2009

Trickling Down the Bad Way

In a recent interview, NY Labor Commissioner Patricia Smith noted that "...for every job that you lose on Wall Street, you lose two jobs...in the service sector..."

So like it or not, the fat cats are key to NYC's economy. No rich people out spending their bankroll, no work for those providing the product.

Interview is here, Ms. Smith gets her quote on around 2:30 into the segment.

July 15, 2009

Summertime Living

And it's not easy! Work is still insane. The craziness was confirmed in chart form, when a presentation to upper mgmt showed net revenue climbing up at a fairly steep angle (especially in the last few months), while number of employees stayed a flat line. It was scary. That money doesn't earn itself; we've been working our asses off!

I know it's every company's perogative to squeeze more from less. We are damn productive, but there's only so much blood in a stone. With the fiscal mid-year over, hopefully that means the crunch is winding down and I can actually relax a bit!

July 6, 2009

Veggies Week #5

The insanely wet weather has messed with the harvest quite a bit. There were actually some crop failures (spinach and arugula died), but the haul has still been pretty good!


And beautiful summer squash! Perfect sliced and grilled:

Lots more kale! We are going to make a pesto this time around:

More garlic scapes. We are chopping and freezing these, for soups and such later on.

A huge and kinda creepy looking radicchio:
(feed me, seymour...feed me!)

Box o'goodies, with lots of lettuce and a chinese (napa) cabbage in the upper right corner. That's one of my favorites veggies ever. They're naturally sweet and so tasty fried with shitake mushrooms and little shrimps.