December 13, 2007

Somewhat Triumphant Return

I finally succumbed to the blog craze. It's been pretty busy since my last post online. Here are important things that have happened since:

* Vic and I bought a house. Yes, a house.

* Can't stop listening to NPR

* Started Tai Chi classes

* Adopted a shelter cat, named Killer in honor of her irrational fear of everything.

* We now possess a Wii (yes, this is important)

* Finally visited Japan!

* Became addicted to resin kits

* My firm was purchased by Bear Stearns, so I'm an evil wall street corporate type

Now you're all caught up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wii? Wii!?! Wii!!!!! I'm coming over. When is the earliest possible time in January I can do so? :)