The pundits keep trying to figure out the "key" issue for this election. Most seem to have accepted the economy is what concerns most Americans as they head to the voting booth.
When has it not been the economy? Everything stable and secure in this county starts with economics. Health care, the Iraq war, global warming - all these issues are dependant on jobs and access to capital. Even social battlegrounds are tied to the flow of money.
While people may not be directly thinking "economy" when they choose a candidate, I think subconsciously, that's really what drives us to vote. We are putting people into positions where they spend our money, and we want a say in that spending. If you're supporting a politican because of their stance on gay marriage, you're doing it because you want financial resources devoted to that cause. If you're concerned about environmental issues, you vote for the person who's going to most intelligently allocate funds towards that. All public policies, from banning abortion to interest rates to social security, rely on your tax dollars being shoved around. Deep down, we in the U.S. know that money talks and walks and gets legislation passed.
So yes. It's the Economy, Stupid.
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