On this Valentine's Day, I'm going to take the opportunity to gush. While my personal philosophy is that you don't need a holiday to celebrate the one you love, a post on this subject would seem odd on any other day. So here goes.
I can't imagine my life without Vic. When I'm in his presence, all is right with the world. We're like a mecha of two robots. Individually, we're functional, but combined, something stronger emerges (with the power to wreck entire cities! Mwuahahahaha!).
After nearly ten years, I'm still amazed at how well matched we are. Our personalities and beliefs are aligned in such a way that the relationship is virtually effortless. I don't go out of my way to be with him. I just do it, as natural as breathing. Wanting him to be happy, to spend time with him, is as fundamental as wanting to eat or sleep. It's like a reflex, no thought or work involved at all.
It helps that we share a multitude of interests and tastes. Sure, we have disagreements, but they're usually intellectual, more like debates than fights. Ultimately, we shake off the words and return to an amiable core. Being able to enjoy movies, TV, anime, books, comics, games, food, hobbies, just about anything together is simply wonderful. Being able to rationally discuss differences of opinion is equally good.
There's a long list of things I adore about him. In addition to meeting the triple C requirement (Cooks, Cleans, and Codes!), he's one of the smartest people I know, filled with common sense, possessed of a logical mind, and hilarious to boot. It's a casual intelligence - he doesn't show off, but talk to him for a while and you get a good idea of how sharp he is. He's laid back, not in slacker fashion, but in his ability to calmly roll with just about any situation using a straight-forward approach and adaptability I really admire. There's a sweet, silly side to him that lightens my mood, even on the worst PMS day. His sense of humor is just the right blend of dirty, geeky sarcasm. I crave the comfort of his physical contact, even if it's as simple as holding hands or brushing a stray hair aside. He's a prolific techie and deftly competent gamer, which I find insanely attractive. A gentleman at heart, he takes good care of me, mirrors my outlook on life, and comprehends me in a way that makes me secure and safe. Very few things come between us, and the little quirks we notice in each other are insignificant when compared to the overwhelming joy of being together.
It's pretty extraordinary. I think unless you have the same, it's difficult to understand. It's like parenthood or home ownership or even college. Verbal description is pale compared to the actual experience. And I know I'm extremely lucky to have this experience and continually be immersed in it. So on this Valentine's Day, I'm gushing and maybe a little sappy, but at least I had an excuse to post about it!
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