I just finished judging essays from 6th~8th graders, as part of InvestWrite's annual contest.
InvestWrite is an offshoot of The Stock Market Game, a nifty online investment simulation that classrooms can participate in.
The essay contest allows students to show off what they learned and earn some fun prizes. This year's topic focused on diversification of assets. It's pretty impressive that middle school kids are able to explain this concept in rather coherent terms (though I did have one essay that was basically a run-on sentence...) Some of the essays were lacking in writing style and a few suffered bad logical progression, but I could tell there was fundamental understanding of the subject matter, even if communication of that understanding was a bit shaky. Given how important finance is in our lives, I'm just glad there are opportunities being given to students to pick up the tools and knowledge they'll need once they hit the real world.
Looking back at my scoring, I seem rather brutal - not a single 100 ranking in the lot. Good thing I'm not a teacher!
Please tell me at least one essay featured a sentence similar to: "Not enough diversi4cation spellz doom 4 U. B sure 2 invest wise. Cute t's wanna f?"
Dude, how did you get involved? Can I volunteer for next year? :)
I signed up through their website: http://www.investwrite.info/judges/
You should register for next semester's contest!
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