After prep, the pieces are primed so that paint will stick. For this kit, I'm using Armory white primer:
It's a specialty product for gaming miniatures and pricey (~$7/can) but good quality. Most builders use grey, sandable automotive primer, but that stuff has been hard to find around me. Ultimately, any primer that works is the right one. As with all substances that spray out of a can, primer can be irritating, so I use a hepa mask. I also use this mask when sanding, so I don't inhale resin particles.
Here's my setup for priming. I use a glue gun to attach the parts temporarily to craft sticks. Then I spray away with the garage door wide open!
The primed piece is slightly whiter than the original resin:
There is something about priming that just doesn't click with me. I'm horrible at it. I get bubbles, uneven surfaces, "orange peel" ripples, grit, all sorts of troubles. After an initial priming, I usually have to sand out the mistakes and try again. Not to mention that priming exposes any flaws in the surface, so the putty comes out again to fix them. It's a pretty tedious cycle of priming, sanding, and puttying, and the pieces look like this for a long time:
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