June 16, 2009

Veggies Week #4

We got some interesting greenery this week!

Lots of spinach, plus broccoli and the curly thingies are garlic scapes, which are the stalks of the bulb. Never had them before, but we chopped some into our soba noodle sauce and the flavor was pretty good, much like scallions or green onions.

A lettuce parade! Well, the redhead at the end there is a radicchio (another veggie we've never had before).

The radicchio is very bitter, and after trying it raw in salad, I think next time we'll go the Italian route and grill it with olive oil for pasta.

I don't know the species name, but the last bunch on the right is a delicate, almost cabbage-like variety that is great boiled, then fried with shitake mushrooms, a dash of soy sauce, and some garlic.

Up front, curly endive, and huge collard leaves in the back. We've never cooked either of these before, so it will be interesting trying them out.

Oh, and I found the perfect recipe for last week's kale, that I'm going to post as soon as I get my notes organized.

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