For me, fashion has always been somewhat love/hate. I love the artistic parts: colors, shapes, texture, seeing how things fit together, how they transform a body. But I hate shopping.
Urmm. Let me elaborate. It's fun trying on clothes, putting together outfits, experimenting. But I hate dealing with crowds and changing booths, not being able to find my size, going through piles of crap to find good pieces, plus I simply don't have time for leisurely shopping anymore. Over the years, my casual clothes haven't changed much from jeans & t-shirts. My work clothes....well, let's just say I'm wearing the same pair of Express trousers from 8 years ago.
But there are some new services in the market which I think can help change that. I'm trying out two different companies which work from a similar model:
* CakeStyle: They ship you a box of clothes, especially selected to match your preferences. On average, there are 6 complete outfits with combined cost in the $2500~$3000 range. You have 10 days to try everything on. You only pay for items you keep. The rest, you ship back for free.
* StitchFix: For $20, they ship you a box of clothes selected per your tastes. There are 5 individual items, each one priced within a range you request. You have until the Monday after receipt of shipment to decide what you want. You pay for those items, with the $20 fee applied as a credit towards the purchase. The rest you ship back for free.
I don't know yet which will serve me better. I've signed up for both services and hopefully will be getting boxes of clothes delivered soon!
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