August 5, 2008

Comic-Con Day 4

Yes, the Con was over long ago, but I had to post about Day 4. It was actually a bit sad, like watching a planet slowly dissolve.

In the morning, we caught the CBLDF Art Jam, where artists draw live and then the pieces are auctioned. The guests were pretty tight:

Left to right, Jim Lee and Whilce Portacio

Joseph Michael Linsner and Terry Moore (The guy standing in the middle is the moderator).

They had a projector so you could watch the artists work. It's always amazing to see these folks live. They are incredibly fast and accurate (which I guess is why they are comic book superstars!) and while drawing they would talk us through their approach and techniques. A few snapshots of the works in progress:

Lisner working on classic Dawn:

Terry Moore and ZOMBIE Hulk! Moore is hilarious. Like your jackass uncle, except more gifted.

Jim Lee's batman. Drawn with a simple Micron pen from Staples. The man is a genius. Oh, and those clouds he's adding in the background? Ink and tampon.

We ended up buying a Terry Moore rendition of Nico from Runaways.

Actually, we ended up with a lot of great art, which is what we spent Sunday afternoon collecting. A couple of my favorites:

Rebecca Guay's amazing watercolor:

Beautiful Franchesco:

Space girl by Erwin Haya. An example of the random talent you find when wandering the independent booths:

Brent Anderson is my hero. Winged Victory and The Hanged Man from one of the best books out there, Astro City. He gave me a funny look when I asked for The Hanged Man...but doesn't it look fantastic?!

Adorable little ditty from David Petersen of Mouse Guard fame:

We have a lot more, but I didn't feel like posting everything here. Maybe I'll get around to a web album at some point.

** sigh **
I wish every weekend was Comic-Con. Now back to work!

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