November 6, 2008

Bringing Sci-Fi to the Masses

I'm deeply saddened by the death of Michael Crichton. He was a great bridge between the science fiction masters of old and the modern reader. His execution of the genre was spot on, exploring the impact of science gone awry, of how technology reveals the essence of the human spirit. I always liked his ideas and his writing had just enough technical jargon balanced with swift and interesting plot. With the popularity of Jurassic Park and The Andromeda Strain, I view him as crucial to bringing serious sci-fi to mass media, along the lines of Alien and The Terminator. His gift for suspense and story were evident in some of my favorites, like Sphere and Congo.

His non-sci-fi novels were enjoyable too. I really liked Rising Sun (my first real exposure to Japanese culture) and Disclosure, and though I was never a fan of ER, the long term success of that show is more evidence of his talent.

I have dog-eared copies of many of his novels. He left behind few published works compared to other authors of his stature. But the quality of his legacy is simply amazing and he will definitely be missed. Rest in Peace, Mr. Crichton, and may all your writings stay fiction and never come to pass!

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