October 15, 2012

NYCC 2012!!!

This weekend was NY Comic Con! As usual, we had an awesome time and managed to get our costumes finished too!

We went as Alana & Marko from Saga, which made its debut this year. I was pleasantly surprised by how many people recognized the characters and stopped us for photos!
There was a panel about science fiction comics and both Brian K. Vaughan (writer) and Fiona Staples (artist) were there. We had met Fiona Staples in Artist Alley earlier that day and were hoping to get Brian's signature later. But during Q&A at the panel, the mod actually spotted us and we got to meet Brian and get a photo with him!

The folks from Oddities also had a panel. It was refreshing to see they are exactly as depicted on the show - their personalities on camera and in person are genuine. They had some cool artifacts, including a two-headed, six-legged calf!

And of course, some art highlights:

Ken Knudtsen, Mr. Freeze:

Francis Manapul, The Flash:

Stephanie Han, Phoenix:

Amy Reeder, Batwoman double page spread (won at the charity auction, which raised more than $26K for St. Judes Children Hospital!):

And I can't forget this awesome Aliens setup. You could actually get into the cargo suit, but the line was way too long for us. After the Con, they had a twitter giveaway for the entire prop!

It was another great Con. Every year, NYCC improves. The crowds are reaching a tipping point, though. This Sunday was the most crowded it's ever been on the last day and the popularity seems to increase each year. Hopefully we'll score tickets again next year and have another blast!

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